Recent changes

We are forever updating and improving upon our books, adding new tidbits of information here and there, sometimes binding in new chapters entire. This means, though, that it can be difficult to search out that new knowledge to be had.

To remedy this, you can always refer here, to our convenient register of changes, and find out what you might otherwise miss! Changes older than a few weeks will be removed from this list, though, so please visit often.

Thank you for your patience until now; we look forward to helping you find what you seek.

25 Third Astral Moon ((May 25))
Continued updates to Bestiary pages: Elbsts, Gigantoads, Jellyfish, Karlabos, Leeches, Megalocrabs, Ninki nankas, Orobons, Pugils, Slugs

16 Third Umbral Moon ((June 16))
New entries on Aroma Crawlers, Hotfooted Gallimimus, and Seven-Spot Nankas.

11 Third Astral Moon ((May 11))
Continued updates to Bestiary pages: Griffins, Kongamato, Scarabs

24 Third Astral Moon ((May 24))
Continued updates to Bestiary pages: Swarms, Wamourae, Wespes, Yarzons

28 Third Astral Moon ((May 28))
Final updates to Bestiary pages: Uragnites, Yabbies, Coblyns, Phoebads

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