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Though some prefer to sound more scientific by calling these creatures "stegoceras"--the name given to the specimens on the Isle of Eureka--most know them as "gowrow", particularly through the Encyclopaedia Eorzea. Gowrows are exceedingly large scalekin, and one of the rare sort that move about on two legs. Their forelegs they have weaponized, making powerful swipes to anything they deem worthy of death.

Gowrows are sometimes mistaken for dragons due to their ability to spit flammable bile that ignites in midair. However, these are scalekin, and cannot speak nor reason as dragons do. (1)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 259

Known species/types of gowrow:

- Gowrow
- Bone Crawler

- Stegoceras
- Smok

Bone crawler

During the height of the Kingdom of Ala Mhigo, its location made it a central highway for trade between Aldenard and Ilsabard. As a result, many of the dangerous denizens of the harsh land were hunted to extinction--or at least, the Ala Mhigans tried to do so.

However, decades of occupation under the Garlean Empire meant that both trade and culling expeditions were at an end, leaving time for some of the more vicious creatures to repopulate. So too with the gowrows. One particular specimen has made its presence known by preying upon any caravan that crosses its path, consuming chocobos whole with no leavings of bone or harness. Merchants have dubbed it the "Bone Crawler", and refuse to risk crossing its path again. (2)

The beast has been sighted in many places around the Peaks, so there may be more than one.

(2) Hunter-scholar dialogue

Special notes: This creature is noted as highly dangerous, and should not be confronted with less than a small army of experienced hunters.

Like all of its kind, the Bone Crawler attacks with its powerful foreclaws; as well, it has several other tricks up its scaly sleeves. Volcanic Howl and Bone Shaker strike any within quite a distance. The Bone Crawler can spit fireballs, and also charge with reckless abandon to make the most of its superior size and strength.

Those seeking to tempt fate may, it is said, draw him out by riding a chocobo porter through the Peaks.

Habitat: The Peaks, various
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Combat Rating: 70, S-rank