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Despite the similarity in the names, drakes are not any form of dragon; these scalekin are as much animal as the ziz or the raptor. (1) However, they can be, and often are, pressed into service as minions by true dragons. (2)

Drakes are ferocious hunters, willing to chase down their prey for malms. Claws and fangs are bad enough, but the drake will roast its meal in a cheerful blast of fiery breath. (1)

Biasts (pronounced "biased") are counted among drakes, as a lesser genera. The most immediate distinction between them is that drakes breathe fire, while biasts' breath is aspected to lightning. (1) They are different enough that Disciples of the Hand will not use their scales interchangeably; of those of the Churning Mists, drakes have red-brown scales, while biasts have blue-tinged. (3)(4)

The Amalj'aa have domesticated the drake, insofar as such a creature can be domesticated. On the plains of Paglth'an, drakes are beasts of burden and of war, and the masters of cavalry drakes carve runes into their scales to enhance their fiery breath. Drakes in need of spurring on are fitted with bangles, spiked on the inside to make the wearers irritable. (5)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 287
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 269
(3) Item tooltip: Drake Scales

(4) Item tooltip: Biast Scales
(5) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 296

Known species/types of drakes:

- Ashdrake
- Inferno drake
- Mists drake
- Mud biast
- Rongeur
- Starkshadow biast
- Tempest biast
- Zanig'oh
- Augmented battle drake
- Firedrake
- Flame drake
- Gore horde battle drake
- Horde drake

- Wrothful drake
- Zahar'ak battle drake
- Zanr'ak battle drake
- Biast
- Aery biast
- Assault biast
- Blizzard biast
- Bozjan biast
- Dravanian outwalker
- Horde biast
- Loyal biast
- Mists biast
- Sacred drake

- Rimy biast
- Sacred biast
- Aery drake
- Storm biast
- Liegetail
- Battle drake
- Thunderclap guivre
- Sundrake
- Greywine
- Lava drake


Not for naught are drakes believed to answer to dragons' will. The ashdrake once dwelt on the slopes of the mountain at Brayflox's Longstop, while Aiatar slept and reigned there. However, with the dragon gone, so too have departed the drakes. (6)

(6) Mob placement as of patch 6.38

- Eastern La Noscea, Brayflox's Longstop (normal)

Combat Rating: 32

Special note:​

Ashdrakes do not only breathe elemental fire, but also clad themselves in it, making it a hazardous undertaking to strike one. (7)

(7) Abilities: Burning Cyclone, Smoldering Scales

Inferno drake

The inferno drake was a unique specimen among the ashdrakes of Brayflox's Longstop. This one was particularly strong, but easily distracted by handheld explosives--to Brayflox's chagrin. (8)

(8) Boss mechanics: Inferno Drake

- Eastern La Noscea, Brayflox's Longstop (normal)

Combat Rating: 32


The Mists drake is kin enough to dragons to be controlled into a Horde, but not kin enough to be welcome into their homes. Indeed, when Gron Rhei was laid waste during the Dragonsong Wars, Nidhogg's brood gave over control of the dead forest to these drakes. (9)

The drakes, fierce in their own right, have become a nuisance since the end of the war, and often harry travelers and moogles alike; Clan Centurio oft puts out bounties on the beasts. (9)(10)(11) Alchemists prize their red-brown scales for use in making glue. (12)(13)

(9) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 265
(10) Quest: What Learning Entails
(11) Clan Centurio hunt bill: Mists Drake
(12) Item tooltip: Drake Scales
(13) Alchemist recipe: Scale Glue

- The Churning Mists, Ohl Tahn

Combat Rating: 55

Special note:​

Mists drakes do not only breathe elemental fire, but also clad themselves in it, making it a hazardous undertaking to strike one. (7)

(7) Abilities: Burning Cyclone, Smoldering Scales

mud biast

If aught proves the affinity between dragons and drakes, it would be the presence of biasts and drakes in Brayflox's Longstop during Aiatar's residency. Mud biasts could once be found on the rocky slopes behind the jungle, though they have not been seen there since the dragon's demise. (6)

(6) Mob placement as of patch 6.38

- Eastern La Noscea, Brayflox's Longstop (normal)

Combat Rating: 32

Special note:​

Just as other biasts do, mud biasts spew lightning breath.


Rongeur is a notorious drake that dwells in the area of the Daniffen Pass. Ordinarily, it is little annoyance; but once a year, it takes its opportunity to spring upon and harass those faithful who are tracing the journey of Saint Daniffen. (13)

(13) FATE: In the Saint's Wake

- Daniffen's Pass, Coerthas Central Highlands (FATE only)

Combat Rating: 45

starkshadow biast

While not dragons exactly, biasts are close enough that their scales can be substituted for dragon scales in many industrial uses, including target practice. (14) This is not recommended when making scale glue, however.

(14) Levequest: More Than One Way (L)

- The Churning Mists, Moghome (levequest only)

Combat Rating: 54

tempest biast

This particular specimen of biast was found only in Brayflox's Longstop during the residency of Aiatar. It was larger and stronger than others of its kind, and gave chase when provoked by goblin explosives. (8)

(8) Boss mechanics: Inferno Drake

- Eastern La Noscea, Brayflox's Longstop (normal)

Combat Rating: 32


Zanig'oh is a living testament to the furor of the Ul'dah-Amalj'aa conflict. Born in the fields of Paglth'an, the biast was given not merely the rune-carven scales and spiked bangles typical of cavalry drakes, but additional alchemical enhancements. As a result, he grew to enormous size; satisfied with their work, the Amalj'aa released him into the wilds of Southern Thanalan somewhat before the Seventh Umbral Calamity, there to harry and slaughter travelers and soldiers alike. (5)(9)

(5) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 296
(9) Lodestone 1.0 article on Notorious Monster Zanig'oh

- Southern Thanalan, various
(Link goes to

Combat Rating: 50, rank A

Special notes:
Zanig'oh is not a drake, but a biast, so categorized due to its lightning-aspected breath. It is capable of spitting lightning both before it in a cone, and in a general area, as well as imbuing its teeth with electrical force.