We dwell on a lush and vibrant star, thrumming with the energies of life. As such, it should come as no surprise that we might find living beings anywhere; and as old as Man's history is upon the face of the earth, no surprise either that his relics of old linger, and sometimes come to live themselves!

Herein, you can find a sampling of creatures that are typically found underground, in mines and caves.

Additional author's note:

As this author worked, it became apparent that those things the exploration team have been encountering are distinct from the species that have been documented by naturalists. Usually, some two or three structures appear on the novel creatures that do not in other species or even genera. This is not typical, and oft indicates some sort of malign influence in the area, such as Allagan-style alchemy (the making of chimerae) or simply warping by a surfeit of ambient aether over too long a time.

In the interests of the health and safety of the team, this author would recommend great caution, and measures to avoid exposure to these influences. Nobody needs extra feet growing from his ears.

((Note 1: Creatures found in non-cave dungeons and the Palace of the Dead will be excluded. Especially the Palace of the Dead, unless you want to be here all day.))
((Note 2: The below sections are slideshows. Please click on the arrows on either side to see more information!))


Bats are creatures of the night, preferring to spend daylight hours within caves and tree hollows. Their large, lamplike eyes are nigh blind, and they navigate by listening for the echoes of their shrieks. (1)

Though most bats prefer the sweet savor of fruit, many feed upon vilekin, or even the blood of beast and man. It is that last hunger that makes them into pests, for a bat's bite can transmit a terrible disease of madness. Their flittering movements, as well, make them difficult targets to strike. (2) (3)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 284
(2) FATE: On the Lamb
(3) FATE: Caving In

Species of bats known to live underground:

- Cave bat
- Black bat
- Giant bat
- Sand bat
- Temple bat

- Void herald
- Lesser kalong


Coblyns are a fairly commonplace Soulkin, found particularly in places where ore and gemstones are plentiful; this is because, to coblyns, minerals are food. Ul'dahn naturalists believe these are sentient rocks that have learned to mimic creatures of flesh in order to grow and multiply; Gridanian experts believe these are simply fleshly beasts that have learned to assimilate rock and gem into their bodies. (1)

The Ul'dahn theory may be nearer to correct, given the existence of Synthetic Doblyns dwelling in the mines of U'Ghamaro.

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 293

Whichever may be the case, there are a fair few varieties of coblyns, and they are called according to their habitats and preferred diets. Zoblyns are found nowhere but in frozen climates, and soblyns dwell only in the salt flats and shores of the Gyr Abanian Lochs. (2) Coblyns and doblyns, on the other hand, are usually distinguished by coblyns preferring a metallic diet, and doblyns choosing gemstones--though either will eat whatever mineral comes to hand. (3)

Coblyns have an important function in the mining process: One may feed them ore that is too full of impurities to be worth putting through the smelting process, and then allow the coblyn to digest and pass the impurities. The purified ore can be then harvested from the coblyn--usually by throwing it into a furnace. (4) While still not the finest quality of ores, it can be useful as a budget alternative to better grades. (5)

(2) Per locations of known species of coblyns
(3) Quest: Give It to Me Raw
(4) Levequest: You Cannot Kill the Metal
(5) Levequest: The Ore the Better

Kobolds have been known to experiment with coblyns, feeding them different minerals to see what sort of effect one might get; this includes such hazardous materials as asbestos. (6)

Another curiosity to coblyn biology is the effect of impurities that remain in their systems. If a coblyn accumulates too many different impurities at the same time, it can become addled and even more hostile than usual. (7)

(6) FATE: Full Metal Alchemist
(7) FATE: Sob Story

Known species/types of coblyns that dwell underground:

- Asbestos coblyn
- Cermet coblyn
- Chalcopyrite coblyn
- Copperbell coblyn
- Greater coblyn
- Schorl doblyn
- Shard doblyn
- Synthetic doblyn


Excitable, ferocious, and capricious, spriggans are called Soulkin because of a popular theory (set forth in the Codex of Stone) that spriggans are "vessels for the will of the earth". (1) Whatever the case may be, spriggans are a common sight in caves and mines, and miners often believe that to see a spriggan is a sign of good luck. (2) Quite possibly so, as spriggans' tall ears are keen enough to detect noises most cannot hear--a useful trait for someone who might wish to avoid an impending cave-in. (3)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 293
(2) Raimdelle Codex (original FFXIV website, since removed)
(3) Quest: The Ore the Merrier

Spriggans do consume ore and rocks, but will always carry one "special" rock or gem with them at all times. (4) As it happens, those rocks grant the creatures their peculiar powers, serving as a sort of magical battery from which they draw at will. (5) The color of the rock will tell you what the spriggan is capable of doing:

- White: Frenetic Flurry and Haste
- Purple: Thunder and Paralyze
- Yellow: Stone and Stoneskin
- Dull: Jittering Jig and Romp (6)

(4) Quest: Crazy Enough to Work
(5) Original FFXIV website, since removed
(6) GamerEscape category page on Spriggans

Species/types of spriggans known to dwell underground:

- Spriggan collector
- Spriggan copper carrier
- Spriggan copper copper
- Spriggan crier
- Spriggan icecutter
- Spriggan miner
- Spriggan quencher
- Spriggan sifter
- Spriggan tumbler


Bombs may share a name with the firesand-filled blasting devices contrived by man, but these Voidsent are anything but tools of a trade. Hailing from the Thirteenth Shard, bombs float upon the air, their rotund bodies filled with hot gases and caustic vapors. (1) Tightly stretched as their skins are around this mix, it is best to think of a bomb as a party balloon from the Hells, and handle it accordingly.

Of course, nor matter nor energy are infinite, and so bombs are drawn to sources of gas, oil, or even fat to consume and replenish their payload--and if they must render the fat still attached to a living thing, that is not their problem. (1)

It should be noted that not all bombs are aspected to fire--but even those aspected to ice can explode.

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 297

When not fully inflated, bombs are typically the size of a grown Hyur's head; anything larger has had a meal lately, and is that much nearer to exploding. Some legends hold that a single bomb, allowed to run rampant, leveled an entire town. (2)

Curiously, bombs appear to form hierarchies and societies of their own, with attendant loyalties and relationships--often with some other, more powerful Voidsent at its head, but not always. For example, the Bomb Queen, scourge of Coerthas and causer of many avalanches, formed an entire court and retinue of her fellow bombs, all of which were fanatically loyal to her. (3)

(2) GamerEscape page for the genus "bomb"
(3) Guildhest: Long Live the Queen

Bombs may be born of the Thirteenth Shard, but they can be incubated and cultivated even here, on the Source. (4) Notably, Acolyte Ba Go of the 789th Dig is very fond of his "beauties", which are forever being stolen from him by the foremen of other Digs. (5) Kobold bomb incubators, in fact, created a terrible threat to the foundations of Pharos Sirius when the beastmen occupied it. (6)

All parts of a bomb are quite incendiary, and they can regenerate from their intact cores. (5) In fact, the Brewer's Beacon in Western La Noscea is currently operating from the mere claw of a bomb--the whole of it being too hot to be contained. (7) Some say Pharos Polaris, in Limsa Lominsa, is similarly fueled. (8)

(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 296
(5) Quest: Angry Angry Acolyte
(6) Instance description: Pharos Sirius (Hard)
(7) Quest: Relighting the Torch
(8) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 101

As Voidsent, bombs are believed to occupy the eleventh rung of the twelve-rung ladder. Grenades, a far more explosive variety, are counted to be on the tenth. (1) Many a time, they will be seen in the company of other Voidsent, though they can range about alone.

But be they bomb proper or grenade, they can be destroyed by methods refined over years of Moonfire Faires, courtesy of the Cascadiers and Bombardiers. A mortar containing fireworks--gunpowder and bacon fat in particular--can trigger a bomb's detonation early, shattering its core and making it impossible to regenerate. (8)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 297
(9) Quest: Explode It! Moonfire Faire

Species/types of bombs known to dwell underground:

- Shrapnel
- Big shrapnel
- Blasting cap
- Dazzling bomb
- Flambeau
- Frost bomb
- Glowing bomb

- Mark II Limpet Bomb
- Grey bomb
- Remedy bomb
- Fulminator
- Gas bomb
- Ice bomb


Yarzons well deserve the "vile" in "vilekin". A small, spiky body balanced between long, spindly legs, these skittering fiends build hard-to-detect nests alongside sources of water; unsuspecting fishermen or explorers may find themselves surrounded by a swarm of rapacious yarzons whose territory has been invaded. (1) (2)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(2) Quest: Spear of the Fearless

As if being disgusting to see were not enough, yarzons' hunting methods are horrors untold: spraying acidic fluids onto the joints of their prey to prevent their escape, and then driving a dagger-like mouthpart into the brain of the prey to feed. (1)

It should be noted that some species of yarzon are actually blind, and their attention is drawn by making excessive noise. (3)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(3) Mechanics: Wall crawlers in the Sunken Temple of Qarn can be bypassed by moving at walk speed.

Species of yarzons known to dwell underground:

- Yarzon feeder
- Wall crawler
- Ruins crawler


Seldom found outside of desert regions, antlings are nonetheless a typical sight there. These vilekin are not clever creatures, but make up for their lack of intellect with sheer numbers and rigid social construction. (1)

They are ruled by a queen, who exclusively lays the eggs from which all antlings hatch; all others are workers and soldiers. Curiously, the composition of the hive is not by happenstance, but by the queen's choice in what sort of eggs she lays. The resulting population is balanced to a purpose, and the soldiers form a more cohesive army than any composed of men. (2)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(2) Quest: While They're Young (1.0)

Prior to the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Diego Athral of the Horn and Hand was engaged in studying whether the eggs could be influenced by man, to hatch more workers or soldiers so as to throw that balance well off. Nothing further is known of his work at this time, however, much less of any success. (2)

Myrmidon antlings are specific to Thanalan, the largest hive of them being the dreaded Cutter's Cry. Contrary to what one might expect, myrmidon queens do not compete for rule of their hives; upon the birth of a "princess", the queen vacates the nest, taking with her half of the colony's workers and soldiers. (3)

(2) Quest: While They're Young (1.0)
(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 141

Antlings are distinct from antlions, in that antlings burrow directly, whereas antlions vibrate themselves under the ground. Both, however, prefer sandy soils for their hivemaking; bare rock or gravel simply won't do. (4)

It should be noted that no known species of antling has wings.

(4) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 255

Species of antlings known to dwell underground:

- Myrmidon princess
- Myrmidon guard
- Myrmidon marshal
- Myrmidon sentry
- Myrmidon soldier
- Velveteen ant


Though not so disgusting as the yarzon, spiders are another species of vilekin that well demonstrate the origin of the kindred's name.

Spiders are one of the most ubiquitous vilekin (1), though species large enough to pose a threat to Man dwell almost exclusively in the Fringes of Gyr Abania and the Mhachi ruins in the Yafaem Saltmarsh of the Black Shroud. (2)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(2) Mob distribution as of 6.0

Not unlike the dreaded diremite, spiders craft webs of sticky silk wherein to catch their prey. Though most species can do no better than catching a fellow vilekin or even a small cloudkin in their webs, the largest ones may even be able to trap a Lalafell and bear his weight on their webs without breaking. (1)(3)

If that were not bad enough, naturalists have found some species of spider able to inflate their bodies with lighter-than-air gases and attain something akin to flight. (1)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(3) FATE: The Spiderweb Chronicles

Spiders are not typically creatures found in caves, unlike diremites, but some few species have been recorded in the halls of the Weeping City of Mhach, two of which were in the thrall of the Voidsent named Arachne Eve:

- Skittering spider
- Spitting spider
- Yafaem spider


If one encounters webbing in places below the ground, it is more likely to be diremite webbing. Diremites are known to set up extensive colonies in caves and ruins, as well as in forests--anywhere a web can be strung up for the catching of prey.

Diremite colonies operate on a rigid, sex-based matriarchal structure, not unlike the colonies of antlings. And the names of these vilekin reflect their roles: banemites, the queens who lay eggs; diremites, the males who defend the colony; and mitelings, workers who are yet larvae. Seldom are there more than four banemites in a colony. (1)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281

Diremite colonies, despite being a threat and nuisance, are an indication that there are other creatures present. They are both carnivorous and nomadic, the entire colony prone to pull up stakes and depart as soon as they have stripped the area of anything they deem even remotely edible. (1) For this reason, they are counted pests, and great pains must be taken to prevent them gaining a foothold in a new territory. (2)

One of the longest-term infestations of diremites was within the Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak, where the mother banemite had grown to enormous proportions upon the abundant prey. Graffias, the matriarch, was slain by the Warrior of Light, and her clan purged to the last egg, afterward, by the Twin Adders. (3)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 281
(2) Quest: Pest Control

(3) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 137

Diremites are terribly persistent and stealthy creatures, and the eggs of Thavnairian mites often slip into shipments bound for Limsa Lominsa. One method of luring out any hatched mites is to bait them with fetid dodo meat. (4)

On the whole, mitelings themselves are almost indistinguishable, and usually dangerous only in swarms. However, some grow larger and more ferocious than the others--naturalists say once every few moons--and thus special pains must be taken to slay them before they reach adulthood. (5)

Special care must be taken when engaging a full-grown mite; its tailtip is quite sharp, and can skewer even a man in full armor. (6)

(4) Quest: Forbidden Island
(5) FATE: Dschubba Snacks
(6) Ability: Deadly Thrust

Species and types of diremites found underground:

- Banemite
- Cell mite
- Comesmite
- Deepcroft miteling
- Tam-Tara banemites, diremites, and mitelings
- Temple mites
- Vale banemites and diremites


Despite the similarity in the names, drakes are not any form of dragon; these scalekin are as much animal as the ziz or the raptor. (1) However, they can be, and often are, pressed into service as minions by true dragons. (2)

Drakes are ferocious hunters, willing to chase down their prey for malms. Claws and fangs are bad enough, but the drake will roast its meal in a cheerful blast of fiery breath. (1)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 287
(2) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 269

Biasts (pronounced "biased") are counted among drakes, as a lesser genera. The most immediate distinction between them is that drakes breathe fire, while biasts' breath is aspected to lightning. (1) They are different enough that Disciples of the Hand will not use their scales interchangeably; of those of the Churning Mists, drakes have red-brown scales, while biasts have blue-tinged. (3)(4)

The Amalj'aa have domesticated the drake, insofar as such a creature can be domesticated. On the plains of Paglth'an, drakes are beasts of burden and of war, and the masters of cavalry drakes carve runes into their scales to enhance their fiery breath. Drakes in need of spurring on are fitted with bangles, spiked on the inside to make the wearers irritable. (5)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 287
(3) Item tooltip: Drake Scales
(4) Item tooltip: Biast Scales
(5) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 2, p. 296

Species of drakes known to dwell underground:

- Lava drake
- Sacred drake
- Ashdrake
- Sacred biast
- Thunderclap guivre
- Inferno drake
- Tempest biast
- Mud biast


Golems are plentiful, and creatures made to a purpose; the same is true of the four-footed variety called "living rocks". Living rocks are usually created by beginning students of lithovivimancy (the practice of magically imbuing stone with life), due to the structure of the creature being more stable than the two-legged variety, and therefore easier to control. (1) However, they can also come about when the ambient aether becomes sufficiently unstable. (2)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 293
(2) FATE: OK, Golem

Some refer to living rocks as "effigies" (3), perhaps to make the distinction between the genus as a whole and the creatures living in a cave under Pharos Sirius. These golems will apparently continue their assigned tasks long after their masters have passed into the Aetherial Sea, often causing problems for those who encounter them at cross purposes. (4)

(3) Name assigned by various Wikis, including GamerEscape
(4) FATE: Sisyphus Cooling

Varieties of living rock known to live underground:

- Dark clay beast
- Living rock
- Abalathian clay golem
- The Leightonward


Hippogryphs are an example of the occasional inconsistency of the classification system: though they have wings and beaks, they are counted beastkin due to their inability to fly, while the landlocked apkallu, also flightless and winged, remains a cloudkin. (1)

Those wings, though, are no mere adornment, for the hippogryph uses them to speed its pounce, sending it like an arrow from the bow to its prey or enemy. (1)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 276

Hippogryphs tend to prefer rocky areas, such as Coerthas, Dravania, and Mor Dhona, though they are perfectly content to dwell in caves and caverns as well. (2) This is doubly true for hippocerfs. Though not much distinguishable from hippogryphs at first glance, hippocerfs are more reckless and hostile in general, willing to attack even enemies that outclass them. (3)

Little is more resilient than hippogryph sinew. Elastic and flexible while still tough, it makes a superior cord for bindings, leatherworking, and industrial uses. (1)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 276
(2) Mob distribution as of 6.0
(3) FATE: Cerf's Up

Species of hippogryphs known to live underground:

- Pit hippocerf
- Pit hippogryph
- Recluse hippogryph


Once, this wavekin belonged exclusively to fishing guides and gardening journals. However, during the Fifth Astral Era, the scholars of Nym discovered how to cause uragnites to grow beyond their natural size of less than an ilm, so as to farm them for food. (1) It can reasonably be assumed that the enlarged uragnites spread thence to other lands.

Uragnites dwell only in places where water is abundant, and do not much care if that water is above or below ground. They have been found everywhere from Vylbrand's shores and tidal caves, to the depths of Copperbell Mines in Thanalan, to the few unfrozen ponds of Coerthas. (2) Much to the chagrin of Costa del Sol's residents, uragnites also like to attach themselves to wooden pillars, where they must be removed with steel spatulas. (3)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 282
(2) Mob distribution as of 6.0
(3) Quest: Pests in the Pillars

Uragnites will travel a distance away to lay their eggs, and then leave them to hatch. This causes much frustration for such establishments as the Warmwine Sanitorium, where they are forever surprised by hatchlings with no parents in evidence. (4)

Uragnite shells are not typically sought for use, but their flesh is edible, if a little rubbery. The Nymians preferred it dried, though those seamen who have sailed the Sea of Jade swear that it is best when eaten raw. (1)(5) Goblins of Idyllshire also "cultivate" bifericeras (mostly by letting them run wild and consume all the fish in the Thaliak River). (6)

(1) Encyclopaedia Eorzea Vol. 1, p. 282
(4) FATE: Nine-ilm Snails
(5) Item tooltip: Scaphite Slice

(6) FATE: Come Shells or High Water

Species of uragnite known to live underground:

- Living fossil
- Ancient uragnite
- Echioceras
- Sirius uragnite
- Overgrown difflugia