The Starlight Celebration began with an act of charity on a cold night. Knights of Ishgard, seeing small children freezing and starving in the wake of a terrible battle, broke the precepts of their order to bring those children into their own barracks, disguised in scarlet uniform coats. Saved by this generosity, the children grew up and, in their turn, clad themselves in crimson coats and delivered gifts to other children in need, in the coldest weeks of the year.

And so it has gone to this day. The white-bearded commander of the knights, who turned a benevolently blind eye to the breach of protocol, is now remembered in the person of the Saint of Nymeia; and those who don scarlet coats to carry on the good works are his "helpers".

The Saint of Nymeia???


Starlight Celebration

Winter celebrations are a means to bring warmth to the coldest season; and among them, Starlight reigns supreme. This holiday above all embraces the warmth of charity and compassion.



This was the first annual Starlight Celebration officially hosted by the Adventurers' Guild. It went quite simply: Ring one of the bells near a Smilebringer, and you would receive one of several things. (1)

For those truly excited about the season and gift-giving, however, was an opportunity to pass on the joy; occasionally, the prize for bellringing was a Twinklebox--a special present for a less-fortunate child, to be delivered to the hamlet in which they dwelt. (2)

(1) GamerEscape archive of the event
(2) Wayback Machine archive of the Lodestone page



This year, the Black Rabbit Traders saw fit to join an Ala Mhigan tradition with that of Starlight: Winter's Knell. According to tradition, Ala Mhigans would usher in winter by constructing "Father Frost"--a snowman formed mostly by throwing ensorcelled snowballs at it until it became massive. (1)

This year's Father Frost was built in Hyrstmill--and then, to everyone's tremendous surprise, it suddenly vanished, taking with it the Heart of Winter, a valued Ala Mhigan treasure. Rumor has it that, in fact, Father Frost was in truth an ancient being wrested away from the Twelveswood, and reforming him there caused him to be reborn and take up his charge of defending the woods once more. (2)

(1) GamerEscape archive of the event
(2) Quest: Gone with the Snow (cutscene here on YouTube)


The first Starlight Celebration after the Calamity saw a lot of snowmen--indeed, more snowmen than the southerly climes would sustain. The Adventurers' Guild concocted a brilliant idea: import snow from Coerthas, fashion the snowmen, and then add shards of "eternal ice", an alchemical creation made from ice crystals. Unfortunately, this eternal ice turned out to function very like the core of a golem, and the snowmen came to life and ran to have some fun before they melted away. (1)

Mischievous imps sought to take their opportunity, flinging fireballs at the poor snowmen, and adventurers were called upon to put down the imps--by taking snow from nearby treants and making themselves into snowmen! (2)

(1) Dialogue: Starlight Celebrant
(2) FATE: Stay Frosty


Amh Garanjy had a new idea this year: to give gifts to all children who sent a letter to Nymeia, and left them under the city's Starlight sentinel tree. But confusion follows new practices, and without knowing which tree, letters from children were left under everything that had green branches and spangles. Xavalien of The Raven sent an adventurer to lend aid, and all went more smoothly--until a letter from a child named Timothey, in which he announced that Starlight was fake, and the Saint of Nymeia with it. (1) (2)

Timothey's mother revealed that he had been unhappy since his father's passing, and the loss of the bracelets his father had made for him had embittered him. However, a man answering the description of the Saint of Nymeia recovered and repaired the bracelets, and good cheer--and dear memories--were restored at last! (3)

(1) Quest: A Starlight Miracle
(2) Quest: Starlight Savings
(3) Quest: Going the Extra Smile


Collys of The Harbor Herald was on the trail of a special edition, covering the revival of an old Starlight tradition: the ringing of the signal bells. The better-known tradition is the scarlet-clad charity toward orphans, but less so is that the signal bells of the Temple Knights would ring out beforehand, that all may know of the joy to come.

The Temple Knights of Ishgard cheerfully sent the signal bells to Limsa Lominsa for repair, but as Baenfaeld of the Adventurers' Guild discovered, the main bell no longer sounded. But with the aid of Hervey of the Goldsmiths' Guild, and Godbert and Julyan Manderville, the bell was repaired, and new music for it provided by Cahernaut of the Gridanian Orchestra. The guildmasters of all Disciplines of the Hand came together to provide Starlight decorations for the cash-strapped Adventurers' Guild, and the holiday was saved!

(1) Quest: For Whom the Starlight Bell Tolls



Starlight Celebrations carry on in every city, and this year, Amh Garanjy carried out her duty in Ul'dah, for the children of Frondale's Phrontistry. Though most of the patients' wishes were fulfilled, one--Reauverre--did not get his: his father's return from long journeys.

The child's health failed due to his despair, and word was sent immediately--by the Warrior of Light himself--to the child's father to seek his return. But the father was on his way to the East, to fetch a rare herb that would work Reauverre's cure. Hearing this, Reauverre rallied.

Damielliot would later reveal that he is the director of the Phrontistry, himself a former patient, and a mysterious adventurer before the Calamity had brought starfall grass to cure his sleeping sickness. And so, he continues to pay forward the gift that was given him.

(1) Quest: Naughty or Nice
(2) Quest: Think of the Children
(3) Quest: I'll Be Home for Starlight

The decorations were set, the lights were lit, and before anyone knew what had happened...those decorations were gone! A group of treants, confused by the splendor and envious of their non-sentient cousins, had stolen the decorations, adorned themselves, and were parading about the MIrror Planks in the Twelveswood. (1) (2)

But all was not lost. Baenfaeld of the Adventurers' Guild had befriended a trio of bears that year, and "bear" those bears did: upon their backs, adventurers showered the treants with Starburst Packages, stunning the seedkin and allowing the celebrants to retrieve the stolen holiday majesty. Thus, the children could now have a bright and sparkling Starlight, alongside their new furry friends! (1) (3)

(1) Quest: Stars and Explosions and Bears, Oh My!
(2) Quest: Starlight Stakeout
(3) FATE: Bad Luck Comes in Trees


Amh Garanjy's ambitions for the Starlight Festival in Gridania are lofty indeed, and in this year, she determined to include choir performances. Maisenta of the Black Rabbit Traders obliged gladly, providing the services of the Homunculi, a popular band.

However, it was quickly realized that the Homunculi's usual repertoire was not suitable for children or blessed holidays,and their efforts to secure new arrangements of Ishgardian carols resulted only in music suited for a mixed choir, only one part of which suitable for one singer of their band, Augustiniel. The Warrior of Light was fortunately on hand to save the day, recommending Amh, Maisenta, and Baenfaeld to fill those roles (it is rumored that he initially suggested a chocobo, foreshadowing the next year's choir), and himself taking on the role of choir director. Meeting with splendid success, the choir would soon become a favorite part of the celebration all by itself! (1)

(1) Quest: Not-so-silent Night



During this year's celebration, the Gods' Quiver organization joined hands with the Archer's Guild to perform the traditional concert of Starlight songs from Ishgard. Among those quivermen was Lartonphe, a mounted archer also considered the finest tenor in all of Gridania. To everyone's surprise, his chocobo became enamored of his rehearsals, and herself learned to sing and dance.

As a result, this year's concert was not merely one of glorious voices of men and women, but an exuberant chocobo raised along with them, to the delight of the children--including Nalipponcque, Lartonphe's son! (1)

(1) Quest: All I Want for Starlight

The true meaning of Starlight is charity to the less fortunate, but some think that that is all Starlight ought to be. A good-hearted but rather dour young heir to a wealthy surveying interest in Ul'dah, Kamlito Halito, was such a one. His father sent him to assist the celebration in Gridania, which he did but half-heartedly--first putting up out-of-season decorations, then setting up the proper ones but poorly. The Warrior of Light, however, and a girl named Isainne were on hand to help with the many tasks: seeking aid from the Carpenters' Guild in repairing the gnawed-upon trees, reinforcing the snowman decorations with "eternal ice" (crystal clusters infused with ice aether). Through their efforts, Kamlito Halito began to understand the value of inspiring joy in others with what he had called "gaudy lights and trinkets".

But all was not well with Isainne; her father was struck with a common malady, but one so common that the remedy was in short supply. With her father bedridden and her mother dedicated to his care, she had no Starlight wish but to see them reunited in joy again. Kamlito Halito and the "Saint of Nymeia" arranged for her father to receive the remedy (along with reassurance that it was soon to be widely available). Thus, the young man learned a lesson that charity is a personal thing, and to get to know others is to learn their needs, and fulfill them most completely and with love. This lesson learned, Kamlito returned to Ul'dah to do the same for those in need there. (2)

(1) Quests: A Festive Fiasco, Starlight Slapdashery, The True Spirit of Starlight, One Happy Family
(2) Quests: Wish Upon a Starlight, Starlit Smiles


The Saint of Nymeia's benevolence toward boys and girls proved to extend even beyond the Wandering Races of Men, as out of the cold and snow he rescued a yeti youngling and brought it to Gridania. Amh Garanjy dubbed the yeti "Rudy", but was despondent that Rudy was unhappy. This mystery abided until the arrival of the Warrior of Light and Rissai, an Auspice traveling in the guise of a nutkin. Rissai explained that Rudy was the runt of the litter, unable to produce snowballs like his brothers, a clan of yeti that were not hostile to Man.

Rudy was desirous to pay back the kindness of the Saint, as well as rise above his limitations. Mother Miounne taught him how to make his own sort of snowballs--a dessert based on the Roegadyn treat "schneeballs"--which he then gave away as gifts to the children of Bentbranch Meadows. Not only did this impress his brothers (who showed up to collect him), but built a bridge between Man and yeti.

(1) Quest: A Very Yeti Starlight